David has been in the pizza industry since 1994. He started working for B.C. Pizza when they only had a few stores. Now the company has grown to over 30 locations in Michigan and 1 in Georgia. David has worked his way up from dish washer at age 13 to every position in a store, and now works for B.C. Pizza Inc as a Franchise Support Representative. At a young age David began reading Pizza Today magazines and always told everyone that one day he would compete in the World Pizza Games. In 2011 that dream came true and for the past 6 years David has been competing in the World Pizza Games. His next dream was to be part of the World Pizza Champions Team and that dream became a reality in 2016 at the World Pizza Games.
5X World Pizza Champion
*World Record Holder - Fastest Boxes
*Three-Peat in Fastest Box Folding-2022, 2023, 2024
B.C Pizza
1191 M-75 S
Boyne City, MI 49712